Floating on Powder: Tips and Techniques for the Ideal Heliskiing Experience

4 min read

For skiers, effortlessly floating through bottomless powder is a coveted, addictive sensation. Heliskiing in the Andes provides exclusive access to pillowy stashes of untracked snow far removed from crowded resort boundaries. But according to the folk at Andes Heliboarding, to maximize enjoyment and skills once jumping from the helicopter, certain techniques, strategies, and equipment make all the difference between struggle and sublime flow. 

Mastering Essential Powder Skills  

Riding deep powder well differs from laying trenches on packed corduroy. True powder floating relies on staying above the surface rather than digging in edges. Keep knees softly bent and ankles relaxed to absorb uneven terrain while maintaining balance. Weight should stay centered directly over the skis, not shifted far back over tails. Leaning too far back causes diving nose first into the snow and uncontrolled falls.  

Pole plants in powder should be light taps to gauge snow depth rather than forceful jabs. Keep your hands low and forward for added balance security. Look ahead down the line to choose an optimal path versus staring straight down at your tips. Let skis ride naturally through turns without overly forcing direction changes. 

Choosing the Right Powder Tools

Many visitors step out of a helicopter in deep snow, only to discover their all-mountain skis are submarine devices rather than floating magic carpets. To glide atop the goods rather than fighting below the surface, choose wide powder-specific skis with tapered rocker excel. Look for widths from 115-120mm underfoot to keep those tips riding high. Rockered, reverse or hybrid camber profiles also prevent diving and facilitate float. 

A tapered, spoon-shaped shovel versus a blunt, squared-off nose helps penetrate while reducing diving on steep lines. For safety, pair wider skis with bindings offering lateral heel release to prevent disastrous twisting leg injuries in a crash or burial. 

Conserving Energy on the Ascent   

One of the enormous advantages of heliskiing is the access to fresh tracks without having to climb yourself. But you still expend valuable energy hiking from the landing zone over to your desired lineup. Move efficiently to avoid wasting effort stomping uphill through deep snow if possible.  

On mellower traverses, employ a rest step technique to pause briefly between steps and maximize breathing. For short yet steeper pitches, try fast kick turns or side stepping to optimize elevation gain while minimizing slide-slip backward. 

Reading Unfamiliar Terrain Like a Pro

The sheer lack of previous tracks in heli-accessed terrain makes reading conditions and contours crucial yet tricky. Watch carefully for convex rollovers or flat sections that could conceal unpleasant obstacles like rocks or tree wells under the innocuous powder. Probe questionable zones with your pole to identify hidden hazards before committing. Check for zones where wind may have scoured snow down to sheer ice.

Savoring Every Moment Mindfully

While heliskiing, keep external distractions to a minimum and strive to be fully immersed in each moment. Breathe deeply and take in the scenic surroundings between delicious turns. Appreciate the privilege of floating across slopes rarely glimpsed except by high-flying birds. 

Pause occasionally to watch your first tracks disappear behind you, leaving the mountain untarnished once more. Trade off capturing photos with partners so each person gets stunning powder turns documented. Make it a memorable, meaningful multi-sensory experience through mindfulness just as much as dialed technique. Those mental images will stick with you long after the last silky turn.


With the right preparation, strategies, and skills, heliskiing’s unlimited blower powder and open freedom deliver an experience unparalleled in snowsports. Dial in your mindset along with your equipment to ride like gravity is merely optional. Immerse all senses. Find the flow state, and you just may never stop floating on clouds of snow.

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