Know the Truth About Naruto Death

3 min read

The first truth is that sometimes Naruto makes an idiot out of himself. It’s true. No one denies that he acts like a complete doofus at times, but you know what: it works! The same applies to the manga and its author, Kishimoto-sensei: They both make big blunders and we don’t stop following them because of it. The only reason we calm down is because we know they’re going to fix their mistake later on – and they always do (see the canon examples of Madara, Tobi and Sasuke). Naruto Shippuden has reached 474 chapters so far. Naruto Dead Scene in below details.

Would the Kishimoto-sensei have killed him by now?

The second truth is that Naruto and his Nine-Tailed Fox are linked. It’s not just a matter of them getting along well: they’re always together and never apart. Now, you might be thinking: “What about when the Nine-Tailed Fox attacked Konoha?” Well… he gave it his all to destroy the village! We don’t think there is any more negative energy left in him. The final truth is that Naruto is not going to die for a long time yet because he still has a lot to accomplish in this manga. 

Naruto will become Hokage

Naruto is almost 28 years old in the manga, and he’s been a ninja for about 15 years. If we go by the assumption that is Naruto die will become Hokage one day, his work as a successful leader can’t start until he has at least 10 more years of experience under his belt. We think this leaves Naruto with enough time to accomplish several important goals: forming a family, having kids and growing old – probably together with Sakura-chan! He deserves a lot of happiness after all the pain he has gone through during these past 15 years.

Of course, if Kishimoto-sensei were to kill Naruto off now, there would be no story left anyway… so how do you know for sure that Naruto is going to live for a long time? Think about it. A nice thing to take away from this explanation is that not only are Kishimoto-sensei and Naruto alive, they’re also still working on the manga! So just sit back, relax and enjoy reading Naruto every week!

Naruto deserves a lot of happiness

But let us explain what we mean by that: Naruto is almost 28 years old in the manga, and he’s been a ninja for about 15 years. If we go by the assumption that Naruto will become Hokage one day, his work as a successful leader can’t start until he has at least 10 more years of experience under his belt. We think this leaves Naruto dead with enough time to accomplish several important goals: forming a family, having kids and growing old – probably together with Sakura-chan! He deserves a lot of happiness after all the pain he has gone during these past 15 years.

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