Millie Blackmore Net Worth Husband And All The Information You Need

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Millie Blackmore Bio

Including Millie Blackmore, at least three young Canadians married Warren Jeffs, a famously guilty child rapist. In the fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, he is a well-known person. Warren, a prominent polygamist sect leader, and Millie were wed when she was just 13. The other two, both of whom had just turned 12, were young Canadian women who Jeffs had also married before her.

After being found guilty of a number of crimes, including two charges of rape, sexual assault of a juvenile, and aggravated sexual assault, Warren is currently incarcerated in Texas serving a life sentence. Did you also know that Canadian authorities have accused Millie’s parents of allegedly committing crimes connected to child trafficking? 

Millie Blackmore Wiki

Full NameMillie Blackmore
Birth NameMildred Blackmore
Father NameBrandon J Blackmore
Mother NameGail Blackmore
Gender IdentityFemale
Marital StatusSingle
SpouseWarren Jeffs
Husband’s Net Worth$100 million

Millie Blackmore Net Worth

Warren, Millie Blackmore’s husband, was a well-known and affluent cult leader before doing time in prison. He didn’t perform any honest work to get the money, as is evident. It seems extravagant for someone whose job it was to promote religion to have a predicted net worth of $100 million. So, how did he obtain that much money? He got most of his money from the FLDS church. He served as the church’s pastor for a long time, and his flock generously donated to him. Additionally, Jeffs made large real estate investments that were the basis of his financial success, and FLDS controls a sizable amount of real estate.

The hated religious leader also had a big family and a lot of kids to take care of. He needs a big mansion to keep them all together. Additionally, the location must have been expensive given its size. He confined his wife and kids at the house in Hildale, Utah, against their will, barely allowing them to escape. Despite having 42 bedrooms, which is a lot, the vast estate was not large enough to house his complete family, including his wife. Visitors to the now-seized house have responded differently since it has been turned into a tourist destination.

At The Age Of 13, Millie Blackmore Wed Warren Jeffs

As was previously established, on March 1, 2004, Millie married her famed husband, polygamous leader Warren Jeffs. In Colorado City, Arizona, they were married in a religious ceremony. According to FLDS (Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints) records, Millie Blackmore was just 13 years old when they exchanged vows.

The FLDS, a Mormon sect, and Brandon S. Blackmore, Millie’s half-brother, gave the police some crucial information.  He revealed that another sister by the name of Annie Mae Blackmore had also wed Warren Jeffs, albeit the precise date of this union is still unknown.

Alyshia Rae Blackmore and Nolita Colleen Blackmore, two additional Canadian girls, were married to Warren Jeffs. The fact that both of these females were only 12 when they got married is astounding. The FLDS facility Yearning for Zion Ranch, which is close to Eldorado, Texas, hosted the ceremonies in December 2005. These marriages generate troubling moral and legal issues due to the young ages of the brides.

Did Jeff Ask Millie’s Parents To Marry Her?

It’s important to note that Millie’s parents, Gail Blackmore and Brandon J. Blackmore, were ardent Warren Jeffs supporters who acted in a significant way to carry out her father’s instructions. To marry Jeffs, they brought their small daughter. An excerpt from a diary entry that Nate Carlisle provided in a Vice story captures this critical occurrence. Authorities in Texas found the entry, which indicated a crucial event:

“I gave a brief, condensed teaching on the restoration of Zion to Brandon [J] Blackmore, his wife, and their daughter as they were sitting down. They joyfully accepted the girl’s call to serve on a mission. The following day, Warren Steed Jeffs and 13-year-old Mildred Marlene Blackmore were formally married there for all time and all eternity.

These comments provide an insight into the events leading up to Millie and Warren Jeffs’ marriage. They show how her parents, especially Brandon J. Blackmore and his wife, accepted Jeffs’ cause, which resulted in Millie’s union with him. This diary entry highlights the cult leader’s deep influence on the lives of his committed followers and the seriousness of the choices they made in accordance with his teachings.

Did Her Parents Forcefully Marry Her?

Think of the stress of being forced to marry an adult when you were still a child. Millie’s story is painful since she was unfortunately born into a family who lived a sad life. Her parents, Gail Blackmore and Brandon J. Blackmore, forced her into a marriage to Jeffs, the now-incarcerated cult leader.

One encouraging element of this terrible story is that her parents were made to answer for their deeds. This represents a sliver of justice in a very unsettling circumstance. In addition to pressuring Millie into this union, her parents took action in 2004 to bring her, Alyshia Rae Blackmore, and Nolita Collen Blackmore from Canada to the United States. In their reporting for the Daily Mail, Abigail Miller and Regina F. Graham made the disconcerting discovery that their goal was to get them married to Jeffs.

Millie was tragically put into situations that no child should experience because of her parents’ choices. Her experience serves as a reminder of the significant influence parents’ decisions may have on a child’s life and the importance of preserving children’s autonomy and well-being.

Warren Jeffs Also Claimed The Life Of Millie’s Sister

The tragedy’s scope extends over Millie’s forced marriage and includes her sister, Alyshia Rae Blackmore as well. Alyshia’s vulnerability was also taken advantage of by Jeffs, the predator in this heartbreaking story. Alyshia travelled from Canada with Millie, only to become entangled in Jeffs’ web.

Their half-brother Brandon S. Blackmore revealed this tragic information. Brandon bravely revealed the gruesome realities of how their parents arranged these weddings, robbing his sisters of their autonomy.

Vice said that Brandon was met with distressing recordings during an inquiry after Jeffs’ arrest, which was a startling turn of events. The extent of the misery brought on by this cult leader’s acts was amplified by the tapes that showed Jeffs having extramarital affairs with Millie.

This awkward incident proves that consent is the key to any successful relationship. Mutual understanding is crucial in any relationship, whether it’s a marriage, boyfriend-girlfriend, or other. Unfortunately, Jeffs broke this rule, putting Millie in a difficult situation and exploiting her and her sister’s weaknesses. His actions on these youngsters’ lives teach us to protect privacy in all dealings.

How Were The Days With Her Husband, Warren Jeffs?

Warren Jeffs married many times, many of which are still mostly unknown. Millie Blackmore, who also had an intriguing reputation, was one of these less well-known women. But through his daughter Rachel Jeffs, who has been candid about her experiences with her father’s marriages, we have learned more about Millie’s relationship with Warren Jeffs.

During an interview with Vice, Rachel shared her memories of the day Millie moved into their home. Although Rachel’s account was brief, she did share a touching fact about Millie: she was prone to crying a lot. Given the circumstances of Millie’s forced marriage under the influence of her parents, her response is hardly unexpected. Millie’s emotional issues and general instability during this time were made clear by Rachel’s words.

The whereabouts of Millie are still unknown. She may be alive, but what happened to her and what she is doing are unknown. Years after being initiated into the network of the pedophilic religious leader, Jeffs, Millie’s half-brother, Brandon S. Blackmore, had his last interaction with her in 2009. At that point, Brandon learned that his sister had also married one of Jeff’s wives.

Did Warren Try To Commit Suicide?

Jeffs was involved in a troubling incident back in 2007, which exposed his incredibly distressed state when he was inside. This upsetting incident happened soon after he was found guilty of the horrific crime of sexually abusing young people. According to CNN sources, Jeffs allegedly tried to hang himself on January 28, 2007. He felt as like his actions were following him everywhere, and out of desperation, he turned to self-harm as a way to get away from them.

Following this suicide attempt, he continued to show signs of inner conflict. He resorted to hitting his head against the prison walls on January 30 and February 2, further injuring his already wounded physique. His sorrow was terribly obvious to all.

As reported by CNN in their article from November 7, 2007 titled “Polygamist Jeffs tried to hang himself in jail, documents claim,” a touching detail came to light during a visit by his brother Nephi. During this discussion, Jeffs confided in his brother about his menacing thoughts at a vulnerable moment.

He expressed himself in a way that belied his damaged sense of self and his intense internal conflict. I am not the prophet, he declared. I was deceived by demonic forces; I am not the prophet. Please forgive me, everyone. A painful departure served as a sombre interlude, reflecting his inner agony.

This upsetting incident revealed Jeffs’ intense emotional suffering and his struggle with the fallout from his deeds. It gave a clear impression of a man struggling under the weight of his actions and the sinister powers that had deceived him. He had lost track of his identity and purpose.

Where is Millie Blackmore now?

Approximately five years ago, her brother Brandon S. Blackmore informed the media that she was living in Bountiful, British Columbia, with their mother. He said that she was there with them.


Millie Blackmore, also known as Mildred Blackmore, was a young Canadian woman who married FLDS leader Warren Jeffs.

At 13, Millie married Warren Jeffs in a religious ceremony in Colorado City, Arizona, in 2004.

After being convicted of rape and sexual abuse, FLDS leader Warren Jeffs is serving life in Texas.

Gail and Brandon Blackmore, Millie’s parents, supported Jeffs and helped make their marriage possible.

A substantial part of arranging marriages, some of which involved underage girls, was played by the polygamist FLDS, which raised moral and legal issues.

Alyshia Rae Blackmore, Millie’s sister, was also married to Warren Jeffs, demonstrating the breadth of the contentious practise among the FLDS group.

The majority of Warren Jeffs’ reported $100 million net fortune came from real estate investments and financial support from his followers.

The FLDS scandal in general and Millie’s forced marriage have shown how crucial it is to protect children’s rights and freedom.

During Millie and Jeffs’ marriage, stories from people close to the situation indicated her emotional difficulties and instability.

The attempt at suicide Warren Jeffs made in prison in 2007 was evidence of the emotional suffering he went through after being found guilty and imprisoned.


The FLDS is a polygamous sect that broke apart from the mainline Mormon church.

Warren Jeffs professed to be a prophet and exercised considerable influence over his followers’ lives.

Jeffs’ unions with underage girls brought attention to the FLDS’s contentious practises.

The emotional toll of forced marriages is shown through Millie’s emotional reaction to her circumstance, which frequently involves crying.

Underage weddings were performed at the FLDS’ Yearning for Zion Ranch in Texas, which prompted legal action against the cult.

After being confiscated, the home of Jeffs’ huge family was turned into a tourist attraction.

Warren Jeffs’ internal conflicts and failed suicide attempt made clear how severely distressed he was.

The choices his followers made in their personal lives, such as their marriage and families, were also influenced by Jeffs.

The complexity of cult dynamics and the influence of charismatic leaders are both highlighted by Millie’s experience.

Many people were traumatised by Warren Jeffs’ conduct and are still processing what happened.


The tragic and distressing tale of Millie Blackmore demonstrates the power a cult leader may wield over people’s lives, especially when it comes to issues of marriage and individual freedom. Along with her sister’s and other young women’s experiences, her forced marriage to Warren Jeffs sheds light on more general problems inside the FLDS and related groups. The case underlines how crucial it is to protect children’s rights and how important it is to raise awareness of and take action against exploitative practises.


Millie Blackmore: Who is she?

After marrying FLDS leader Warren Jeffs, Canadian Mildred Blackmore (Millie Blackmore) became famous.

The FLDS is what?

The polygamous FLDS sect separated from Mormonism. It has been linked to debatable practises and legal problems.

When Millie Blackmore wed Warren Jeffs, how old was she?

When Millie Blackmore wed Warren Jeffs in a religious ceremony in Colorado City, Arizona, she was just 13 years old.

What keeps Warren Jeffs incarcerated?

Due to his conviction on several counts, including rape, sexual assault of a minor, and aggravated sexual assault, Warren Jeffs is currently incarcerated. These accusations are a result of his behaviour within the FLDS community.

How much money was Warren Jeffs worth?

The estimated net worth of Warren Jeffs was $100 million. He became wealthy by investments in real estate and monetary gifts from his followers.

Did Millie Blackmore’s parents have any influence over Warren Jeffs’ marriage?

Yes, Millie Blackmore’s parents, Gail and Brandon Blackmore, helped arrange her marriage to Warren Jeffs by supporting him.

Were Warren Jeffs’ marriages to other young women commonplace?

Alyshia Rae Blackmore, Millie Blackmore’s sister, as well as Nolita Colleen Blackmore and Annie Mae Blackmore, two more young Canadian women, all wed Warren Jeffs.

What effects did Warren Jeffs’ deeds have on the families of his followers?

Due to forced marriages and the control Warren Jeffs exercised over their life, his actions had a profound influence on his followers and their families, creating emotional pain and turmoil.

Why did Warren Jeffs try to kill himself while incarcerated?

Warren Jeffs allegedly made an attempt on his life in 2007 when he was incarcerated as a result of his sorrow following his conviction and the gravity of his deeds. He grappled with guilt and internal conflict.

What cult dynamics insights can be drawn from Millie Blackmore’s narrative?

The narrative of Millie Blackmore emphasises the significance of cult threat awareness and the influence charismatic leaders may have over weak people, particularly in areas like marriage and personal autonomy. It also emphasises how crucial it is to safeguard children’s rights and welfare.

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