The Woman Behind the Legend: Ka Ho Cho Today

5 min read

Redd Foxx, a legendary figure in American humor, captivated audiences with his quick wit and unmistakable style. His influence on the entertainment industry is undeniable. Yet, behind this iconic comedian stood a remarkable woman whose quiet strength and unwavering support played a crucial role in his life and career—Ka Ho Cho. Despite living in the shadow of her famous husband, Cho’s story is one of resilience, love, and steadfast dedication. Let’s delve into the life of this extraordinary woman and uncover seven fascinating aspects of Ka Ho Cho today.

Early Life

Ka Ho Cho was born in Seoul, South Korea. Her early years were marked by the challenges and experiences typical of someone growing up in a rapidly changing society. Despite these challenges, Cho developed a strong work ethic and a resilient spirit, attributes that would serve her well in her future endeavors. Her journey from South Korea to the United States is a testament to her determination and ambition.

Meeting Redd Foxx

Ka Ho Cho met Redd Foxx in the late 1980s, during a period when Foxx’s career was experiencing a resurgence. Their meeting was serendipitous, and it wasn’t long before the two formed a deep connection. Despite the significant age difference, their bond grew stronger, leading to a whirlwind romance that culminated in their marriage in 1991. Their relationship was marked by mutual respect, love, and a shared sense of humor, which was crucial given Foxx’s comedic background.

The Marriage

Their marriage, although brief due to Foxx’s untimely death in 1991, was filled with affection and mutual support. Ka Ho Cho was a pillar of strength for Redd Foxx, especially during his final days. Her presence brought stability and comfort to Foxx, who had experienced several tumultuous relationships before meeting her. Cho’s dedication to Foxx was evident in the way she stood by him, providing emotional and moral support during challenging times.

Post-Foxx Era

After Redd Foxx’s death, Ka Ho Cho faced significant challenges. The period following his passing was marked by legal battles and financial difficulties. Foxx had left behind substantial debts, and Cho found herself navigating a complex web of creditors and legal obligations. Despite these hardships, Cho remained resilient, displaying the same strength and determination that had defined her early years.


Ka Ho Cho’s resilience is perhaps one of her most remarkable traits. Navigating the aftermath of her husband’s death and dealing with financial turmoil, she never gave up. Her ability to withstand these pressures without losing her composure is a testament to her inner strength. Cho managed to keep Foxx’s legacy alive while also carving out a path for herself in a world that had largely known her as just “Redd Foxx’s wife.”


Despite being associated with a celebrity, Ka Ho Cho has always valued her privacy. She has maintained a low profile, rarely appearing in the public eye or giving interviews. This preference for privacy has allowed her to lead a relatively normal life away from the constant scrutiny that often accompanies fame. Cho’s ability to maintain her privacy speaks volumes about her character and her desire to keep her personal life separate from the public persona of her late husband.


Ka Ho Cho’s legacy is intertwined with that of Redd Foxx, but she stands as a remarkable individual in her own right. Her support and influence were instrumental in Foxx’s life, and her resilience in the face of adversity has left an indelible mark. Today, Cho’s story serves as an inspiring testament to the power of love, support, and unwavering determination.


So, where is Ka Ho Cho today? She continues to live a life away from the spotlight, honoring her late husband’s legacy while also focusing on her own journey. Cho has become a symbol of strength and perseverance, demonstrating that behind every legendary figure is often a partner whose contributions are invaluable.


Reflecting on Ka Ho Cho’s life, it’s clear that she embodies the qualities of resilience, love, and quiet strength. Her journey from Seoul to the United States, her marriage to Redd Foxx, and her life after his death all highlight the incredible fortitude of this remarkable woman. Cho’s story reminds us that behind every great person, there is often an equally great partner whose story deserves to be told.

In conclusion, Ka Ho Cho today is more than just the widow of a legendary comedian. She is a testament to the power of love, resilience, and unwavering support. Her life story, filled with challenges and triumphs, serves as an inspiration to many. As we remember Redd Foxx’s contributions to comedy, it’s equally important to honor the woman who stood by his side, providing him with the support and love that helped him become the icon he is remembered as.

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