Who Owns Trapstar Clothing

6 min read

Welcome to the world of street fashion where style meets attitude, and individuality reigns supreme. In this realm of urban cool, one name stands out among the rest – Trapstar Clothing. This iconic brand has taken the fashion scene by storm with its edgy designs and rebellious spirit. But who are the masterminds behind Trapstar? Who is responsible for shaping its bold identity and influencing a generation of trendsetters? Join us as we delve into the fascinating story of Trapstar Clothing, uncovering its origins, controversies, celebrity collaborations, international expansion, current ownership, and undeniable impact on streetwear culture. Get ready to step into a world where clothing becomes an expression of rebellion and creativity!

The Founders of Trapstar Clothing

The story of Trapstar Shooters begins with three visionary individuals who shared a passion for fashion and a desire to challenge the status quo. Mikey, Lee, and Will – the founders of Trapstar – harnessed their combined talents and creativity to create a brand that would disrupt the fashion industry.

Mikey, known for his artistic flair and love for graffiti culture, brought a unique aesthetic to the table. Lee, with his entrepreneurial spirit and business acumen, injected strategic thinking into the mix. And Will, an astute marketer with an eye for trends, helped elevate Trapstar’s visibility in the crowded streetwear market.

Together, these three trailblazers set out on a mission to redefine urban fashion by blending elements of music influences, street culture references, and bold graphic designs. Their vision was clear: to provide individuals with clothing that empowered them to express themselves authentically.

Early Success and Controversies

When Trapstar Clothing burst onto the scene, it quickly made a name for itself in the world of streetwear. The brand’s unique blend of urban style and high fashion caught the attention of hip-hop artists, athletes, and influencers alike. With their bold designs and edgy aesthetic, they became known as trendsetters in the industry.

However, with success came controversy. Trapstar faced criticism for some of their designs that were deemed controversial or offensive by certain groups. While they maintained that their intention was never to offend but rather to push boundaries and provoke thought, these controversies did not go unnoticed.

Despite the controversies, Trapstar continued to grow its fan base and gain recognition from industry insiders. Their collaborations with celebrities like Jay-Z and Rihanna further solidified their position as a force to be reckoned with in streetwear.

Collaborations with Celebrities and Brands

Trapstar Clothing has established itself as a prominent brand in the streetwear scene, attracting attention from both celebrities and other influential brands. Known for their edgy designs and urban aesthetic, Trapstar has formed partnerships that have further elevated their status in the fashion industry.

One notable collaboration was with music artist Rihanna, who partnered with Trapstar to create a limited edition collection. The line featured bold graphics and statement pieces that reflected both Trapstar’s signature style and Rihanna’s individuality. This collaboration not only generated buzz but also solidified Trapstar’s reputation as a go-to brand for trendsetters.

In addition to celebrity collaborations, Trapstar has also joined forces with renowned brands such as Puma and Nike. These partnerships allowed them to fuse their unique design elements with the iconic branding of these sportswear giants, resulting in special collections that resonated with fans worldwide.

Expansion into International Markets

As Trapstar Abrigo gained popularity and recognition in the streetwear scene, it was only a matter of time before they set their sights on expanding into international markets. The brand’s unique aesthetic and edgy designs resonated with fashion enthusiasts across the globe, making it a natural fit for global expansion.

In recent years, Trapstar Clothing has successfully entered various international markets, including Europe, Asia, and North America. By strategically partnering with local retailers and distributors, they were able to establish a strong presence in key cities such as London, Tokyo, and New York City.

The brand’s expansion into international markets not only brought Trapstar to new audiences but also allowed them to collaborate with local artists and designers. These collaborations helped create limited-edition collections that combined Trapstar’s signature style with elements from different cultures around the world.

Current Ownership of Trapstar Clothing

Trapstar Clothing is currently owned and operated by its original founders, Mikey, Lee, and Will. These three individuals have been the driving force behind the brand since its inception in 2005. Despite various rumors and speculations over the years, there has been no change in ownership.

Mikey, Lee, and Will continue to oversee all aspects of Trapstar Clothing’s operations, from design to production to marketing. Their hands-on approach ensures that the brand stays true to its roots while also evolving with the ever-changing fashion industry.

The founders’ dedication to their craft is evident in every collection they release. They strive to create unique pieces that resonate with their target audience – those who appreciate urban streetwear with a touch of edginess.

Impact on Streetwear Culture and Fashion Industry

Trapstar Clothing has made a significant impact on both streetwear culture and the fashion industry as a whole. With its unique blend of urban aesthetics and high-fashion sensibilities, Trapstar has managed to carve out a distinct space for itself in the crowded fashion landscape.

One of the key ways that Trapstar has influenced streetwear culture is through its ability to capture the essence of the streets while still maintaining a level of sophistication. Their designs often incorporate elements such as bold graphics, graffiti-inspired motifs, and edgy typography, which resonate with young people who are looking for clothing that reflects their urban roots.

In addition to their visually striking designs, Trapstar’s collaborations with celebrities and brands have also played a major role in elevating their status within both streetwear culture and the wider fashion industry. By teaming up with influential figures such as Rihanna and PUMA, Trapstar has been able to reach new audiences and gain valuable exposure.


In this article, we have explored the fascinating journey of Trapstar Clothing and its impact on streetwear culture and the fashion industry. From its humble beginnings in London to becoming a globally recognized brand, Trapstar has carved out a unique space for itself.

The founders of Trapstar Clothing, Mikey, Lee, and Willz, brought their individual talents and passion for music and fashion together to create something extraordinary. Their innovative designs quickly gained attention from celebrities like Rihanna and Jay-Z, propelling the brand into the spotlight.

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